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Erectile dysfunction after 40

It is difficult for specialists in this field to determine the general cause of the disease, since erectile dysfunction is caused by completely different physical and mental disorders, and sometimes their complexes. Risk factors include any neurological disorder and drug side effects, hypertension, cardiovascular problems, alcohol, diabetes, and prostatitis.

Modern means used in professional treatment are quite effective, but many men, embarrassed, do not want to go to a urologist and self-medicate unsuccessfully. It is worth noting that urologists and andrologists have a high chance of helping patients with their problems, but only if they are not advanced to impotence. Potential or erectile dysfunction is a special condition when the penis is capable of erection, but the degree or duration of erection does not provide a balanced sex life for both parties. Depending on the cause, erectile dysfunction can be temporary or chronic.

Erection problems become more common with age. But there are cases when failures occur in younger men. A common problem is when, due to poor performance or premature ejaculation, sexual intercourse is only possible for a few minutes. It also happens that ejaculation occurs before or immediately after entering the vagina, which causes a woman to experience significant discomfort.

All such problems are now successfully treated. For example, there are special implants for penile surgery that can be inserted through minor surgeries. Popular vacuum physiotherapy method. Many different drugs have been developed that remove the psychological barrier and lengthen sexual intercourse.

To eliminate the lack or weakness of erection, you need to follow the advice of professionals, and in many cases change your lifestyle as soon as possible. It may seem trivial, but drugs alone are not enough to treat potency disorders. You need to organize walks in the fresh air, exercise, good and healthy food, mental stability, reduce stress. It is important to establish honest communication with your partner.

Sometimes a simple cessation of smoking can contribute to a better erection, sexual pleasure and physical, mental balance.

How can women help their partner alleviate the problem with potency?

Couples should initially look for the cause of potency in their relationship. People often cause negative reactions from each other, especially when they have conflicts in other areas of life.

Interestingly, with male erectile dysfunction, women look for a mistake in themselves, thinking that they are bored or a rival has appeared. This leads to fits of jealousy that paralyze and confuse the man. A scandal arises, as he suffers and wants to get a quick solution to the problem, and not listen to the partner's accusations.

Can there be any dependence on the drugs that the urologist prescribes for erectile dysfunction?

Dependence cannot develop, because the urologist prescribes special drugs, for example, restoring blood circulation or normalizing hormonal levels. It is not a drug, and the effect of urological drugs is not comparable to nicotine or alcohol. Those. the doctor treats the cause of the problem in the same way as a flu or a headache.

Addiction can occur to drugs that men buy in pharmacies on their own. Just their action is based on the influence on consciousness or a short-term increase in potency. Getting used to such drugs, you will have to take them all your life, constantly increasing the dosage.

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